
Lamma's international women of mystery were all out in Bollywood Bling finest on Saturday night for their fundraiser for the so-PINK, so-POWERFUL and so-Pickled ladies dragon boat team.

Party photos courtesy of the woman we think is Karen, on the left. Arja, last seen collapsed on the tender hills of Lamma (here) has reappeared as Finland's finest export - and yes, we count the vodka too.

Dragonettes: Anna, Li, Karen and Michelle

Selling Deli-Lamma samosa goodness was not enough for the bolly-dancing twin-set. Jo-Jo Dancer and Tina (R&B) jingled through the streets of Yung Shue Wan and somehow those coins around their hips magically multiplied: to the tune of $1,000 worth of jingling. And who said belly dancing wasn't a worthy pursuit?

Yes she squints in photos. No, she's not Shannon Doherty's evil twin. Yes that is a reference to the original cast of 90210. No, I am not apologizing.

There was no answer as to why the chromosone-challenged MCs asked only the BLOND paddlers to enter the kinder-egg contest. We do know Claudia should have mashed kinder-egg goop up their noses though.

She looks so friendly. Who would guess she's the evil queen of the beasts? Have you ever been thumped with a dragon boat drum stick? Don't mess around. Really - this is your first and last warning. Note the appropriate use of the colour chart.

He's no lamma lady. Great Bindi-action however.

For those foolish or directionally-confused enough to miss the great Bollywood Bling Party, well let us just say: you missed some wicked-good prizes.

The official first prize, the Ipod Nano, was sold by MAZZO.
Mazzo, please identify yourself at the information counter: we don't know who you sold the ticket to, and that Ipod Nano is looking might-ee fine to some less scrupulous dragonettes today!

Well, the official first prize, as we said will presumably be a hit whenever we locate the winner.

Trumping that particular bit of machinery, however, was a rather special device designed, patent-owned and operated by one of Lamma's imported sons. Jon Buford very kindly offered to donate one of the first of his Happy Kitty vibrators to the our Bollywood Bling fund raiser. (Do not read the link while at the office. I repeat: Do not read the link at the office.)

What you see here, is a photo of the recipient Ms SP (who shall remain unnamed in the event family members look her up online and discover this to be the lead reference to Ms. SP, thereby disinheriting her from her rightfully-owed 10,000 acres.) cheerfully accepting her prize the day after the Bollywood Bash.

Here is Ms SP's good friend, rather surprised by the directions on the back of the specially-designed certificate that promises full delivery of the Happy Kitty, as well as a 10-year warranty and a package of cleaning wipes.

Some of the previous sentence is not made up.

So with all this Bollywood goodness - is it any surprise that the Lamma Ladies made approximately $10,000 at their fund raiser. And with creative minds like Jon Buford, our incessant references to bosoms and paddles, is it any wonder we're developing a complex about our sexuality?

Out Pink, Out Paddle, Out Party.

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