mystery ipod winner found!

Lamma Bar Queen (and Dragon) Sharon and the ipod winner "D Barlow"

Yes, Dan Barlow was located as the winner of the Bollywood Bling ipod, and I can honestly say that a few tears were shed by some of the Lamma Ladies who were obviously pining for the new gadget.

The ticket was sold by Ellie - which just goes to show that we are not nearly as corrupt as we would like to be.

Excellent work in the boats this weekend ladies. Dawn's no-pity performance was exceptional and more than a few of the ladies limped away to seek hot showers and panadol after Sunday's long peices. Keep snapping those chicken wings over your heads and punching forward ladies; your muscles will thank you later.
Some of our new members also decided to hit the hills for cross training on Sunday morning. Brownie points go to Laura and Katie for their uncannily cheerful cross-country run - and of course to Kim, who had to go home and do dreaded paperwork for the day. (We missed you Kim!).

Our first race is looming on March 12, and we expect to have our banana-beast boat up and running by the coming weekend.
No exceptions girls: everyone in the boats this weekend! We'll be formulating our race crew ideas and in dragon boating, absence (alas) won't make heart grow fonder, stronger, or make your reach longer.

Once again: well done! Practices were not easy this weekend and everyone paddling made an excellent effort. Keep those muscles warm, get massages if you have time and be kind to yourselves.

Final reminder: for those who wish to do some running, the ladies are cross training on the weekends at 8 or 8:30 for trail runs. The hills are beautiful in the morning, and whether you're a beginner or a running veteran, there is time and space for everyone.

Have a brilliant week.

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