Paddle 'til You Puke!

Our latest lovely poster

Official Lamma Ladies Colour Chart

The text to the poster above is found here. Indeed it is fascinating. And heroic. And Pink-tastic.
In fact, it's become such a hit with the Lamma Ladies and Gents that we've thrown open the doors (and thrown up our lunch) to suggestions for NEW team mottos.
From the top of TP Hill, Olipenny has suggested:

1) Pretty Pink Paddlers Practice... Puking Publicly!
2) Rosy Rowers Race… Retching Repeatedly!
3) Voracious Violet Vomiting Vixens… Victorious!

However, we disqualify number 3 as it propagates a bad colour-word.
So start sending your suggestions today! And please note: any scurrilous language(or general rudeness) will result in a beating. And don't think we're not techno-savvy enough to find you through your web-portal. We have ways of making you talk and cry - big, fat, pink-coloured tears.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks to your Mistress of Sea Vegetables, this blog has just been featured on the home page.
Prepare for a *slight* increase in web traffic...